Uncover The Treasures Of Midgard: God Of War's Collectibles Revealed

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In the highly anticipated video game God of War Ragnark, players embark on an epic journey through the realm of Midgard, where they encounter various artifacts and collectibles that enhance their gameplay experience.

These artifacts and collectibles hold immense value, providing players with upgrades, abilities, and insights into the game's rich lore. From ancient runes that unlock hidden paths to legendary weapons that bestow unique powers, each collectible contributes to the player's progression and immersion in the game world.

As players traverse Midgard's diverse landscapes, they will encounter various types of artifacts and collectibles, including runic language fragments, legendary chests, and hidden lore scrolls. These items encourage exploration, reward curiosity, and deepen the player's understanding of the game's intricate narrative.

God of War Ragnarok

In God of War Ragnarok, Midgard is a realm brimming with artifacts and collectibles that enhance gameplay and deepen immersion. These include:

  • Runes: Ancient symbols that enhance weapons and armor.
  • Artifacts: Relics that bestow unique abilities and bonuses.
  • Lore Scrolls: Fragments of history and mythology that enrich the narrative.
  • Legendary Chests: Contain valuable loot and resources.
  • Idunn Apples: Increase maximum health.
  • Horns of Blood Mead: Increase maximum rage.
  • Yggdrasil Seeds: Increase maximum health and rage.
  • Berserker Gravestones: Reveal the locations of powerful Berserker enemies.

Collecting these artifacts and collectibles is not just a matter of accumulating in-game items; it is a journey of discovery and growth. Each artifact and collectible contributes to the player's understanding of Midgard's lore, enhances their combat abilities, and deepens their connection to the game world. The search for these hidden treasures encourages exploration, rewards curiosity, and ultimately enriches the overall gameplay experience.


In God of War Ragnarok, runes play a crucial role among the diverse artifacts and collectibles scattered throughout Midgard. These ancient symbols, imbued with potent magic, serve as enhancements for weapons and armor, empowering players to overcome formidable challenges and progress through the game's epic narrative.

Runes are not mere decorative elements; they are integral to the gameplay experience. By attaching runes to their weapons and armor, players can customize their combat style, amplify their strengths, and mitigate their weaknesses. Each rune possesses unique properties, ranging from elemental damage bonuses to increased defense and special abilities. The strategic use of runes allows players to adapt to the game's ever-changing combat scenarios and emerge victorious against formidable foes.

The discovery and collection of runes add an exciting layer of depth to the exploration of Midgard. Hidden within ancient ruins, guarded by challenging enemies, and scattered across the realm's diverse landscapes, runes reward players for their curiosity and dedication. The acquisition of new runes and experimentation with their combinations encourage players to refine their combat strategies and optimize their characters' capabilities.

In conclusion, the connection between runes and God of War Ragnarok's artifacts and collectibles is profound. Runes are not just passive enhancements; they are active tools that empower players to shape their gameplay experience, overcome obstacles, and delve deeper into the game's rich narrative. The collection and strategic use of runes exemplify the game's commitment to providing a dynamic and rewarding combat system that encourages player engagement and creativity.


Artifacts are a vital component of God of War Ragnarok's Midgard artifacts and collectibles. These relics, steeped in ancient power, bestow upon players unique abilities and bonuses that enhance their combat prowess and problem-solving capabilities. Unlike runes, which primarily augment weapons and armor, artifacts offer a wider range of benefits, including elemental powers, defensive buffs, and special skills.

The significance of artifacts lies in their ability to empower players and diversify their gameplay experience. By collecting and equipping artifacts, players can adapt to different combat situations, overcome challenging obstacles, and explore hidden areas. For instance, the Shattered Gauntlet of Ages grants players the ability to manipulate time, while the Dragon's Breath Amulet unleashes a devastating elemental attack. These artifacts encourage experimentation and creativity, allowing players to tailor their playstyle and approach each encounter with a unique strategy.

Furthermore, artifacts are deeply intertwined with the lore of Midgard and its inhabitants. Each artifact possesses a rich history and connection to the game's characters and factions. By collecting and studying these artifacts, players gain insights into the world of God of War Ragnarok, its ancient civilizations, and the motivations of its key players. This deeper understanding enhances the overall gaming experience, fostering a sense of immersion and connection to the game's universe.

In conclusion, the connection between artifacts and God of War Ragnarok's Midgard artifacts and collectibles is profound. Artifacts are not mere collectibles; they are powerful tools that empower players, diversify gameplay, and enrich the game's narrative. By collecting and utilizing these relics, players can unlock their full potential, overcome obstacles, and delve deeper into the intricate world of Midgard.

Lore Scrolls

In God of War Ragnarok, Lore Scrolls stand out among the realm of Midgard's many artifacts and collectibles. These fragments of ancient knowledge hold immense value, as they contain historical accounts, mythological tales, and deep insights into the game's rich lore. Collecting and studying these scrolls unveil the intricate tapestry of Midgard's past, enhancing the gameplay experience with a profound sense of immersion and storytelling.

  • Historical Accounts: Lore Scrolls provide glimpses into historical events that shaped Midgard, shedding light on the rise and fall of civilizations, epic battles, and legendary heroes. By piecing together these fragments, players gain a deeper understanding of the world's history and the motivations of its characters.
  • Mythological Tales: These scrolls delve into the rich mythology of Midgard, recounting tales of gods, giants, and mythical creatures. Players encounter stories of creation, battles between good and evil, and the origins of the game's characters and factions. These tales enrich the narrative, adding depth and context to the game's overall story.
  • Character Insights: Lore Scrolls often contain personal accounts and reflections from key characters in the game. Through these writings, players gain insights into the characters' motivations, struggles, and relationships. This deeper understanding enhances the emotional impact of the story and fosters a stronger connection between players and the characters they encounter.
  • Worldbuilding: Lore Scrolls contribute significantly to the worldbuilding of God of War Ragnarok. They describe the geography, cultures, and customs of Midgard, helping players immerse themselves fully in the game's setting. These scrolls provide a glimpse into the beliefs, traditions, and social structures of the various realms, enriching the overall gaming experience.

In conclusion, Lore Scrolls are not mere collectibles; they are gateways to the vast and captivating lore of God of War Ragnarok. By collecting and studying these scrolls, players unlock a deeper understanding of Midgard's history, mythology, characters, and world. These fragments of ancient knowledge enhance the storytelling experience, immersing players in a rich and engaging narrative that brings the world of Midgard to life.

Legendary Chests

In the realm of God of War Ragnarok, Legendary Chests stand as beacons of hidden treasures and valuable resources, deeply intertwined with the game's collectible artifacts. These chests are scattered throughout the diverse landscapes of Midgard, offering players a tangible reward for their exploration and problem-solving skills.

  • Unveiling Valuable Loot: Legendary Chests serve as a primary source of rare and powerful loot in God of War Ragnarok. Inside these chests, players can discover an array of valuable items, including new weapons, armor pieces, crafting materials, and upgrade resources. These rewards play a crucial role in enhancing the player's combat capabilities and progression through the game's challenges.
  • Enhancing Gameplay Experience: The presence of Legendary Chests adds an exciting layer of depth to the gameplay experience. Players are constantly motivated to explore every nook and cranny of Midgard, seeking out these hidden treasures. The anticipation of discovering a Legendary Chest and its unknown contents fuels the player's sense of adventure and encourages thorough exploration.
  • Rewarding Exploration and Puzzle-Solving: Legendary Chests are often cleverly concealed or guarded by challenging puzzles, rewarding players for their keen observation and problem-solving abilities. This connection to exploration and puzzle-solving enhances the game's overall pacing, encouraging players to engage with the environment and delve deeper into the world of Midgard.
  • Enriching the Narrative: While Legendary Chests primarily offer material rewards, they can also contribute to the game's narrative and worldbuilding. Some chests may contain lore scrolls or artifacts that provide insights into the history and culture of Midgard. By collecting and studying these items, players gain a richer understanding of the game's setting and the motivations of its characters.

In conclusion, the connection between Legendary Chests and God of War Ragnarok's collectible artifacts is multifaceted. These chests not only provide valuable loot and resources but also enhance gameplay, reward exploration, and contribute to the narrative. The presence of Legendary Chests encourages players to engage deeply with the game world, fostering a sense of adventure and discovery throughout their journey through Midgard.

Idunn Apples

In the expansive realm of God of War Ragnarok, collectible artifacts play a pivotal role in enhancing the player's capabilities and progression. Among these artifacts, Idunn Apples stand out as a vital resource that directly impacts the player's health, making them an integral part of the overall gameplay experience.

  • Health Enhancement: Idunn Apples serve a singular purpose to increase the player's maximum health. By consuming these rare apples, players can permanently boost their health pool, allowing them to withstand more damage in combat. This increased resilience proves invaluable in the face of formidable enemies and challenging boss battles.
  • Exploration and Discovery: Idunn Apples are often concealed within hidden chests or tucked away in secluded corners of Midgard, encouraging players to explore every nook and cranny of the game world. The search for these health-enhancing artifacts adds an element of adventure and discovery to the gameplay, rewarding players for their curiosity and thorough exploration.
  • Strategic Resource Management: Idunn Apples are a finite resource in God of War Ragnarok, making their use a matter of strategic decision-making. Players must carefully consider when to consume these apples, balancing their immediate need for increased health with the potential benefits of saving them for more challenging encounters later in the game.
  • Connection to Norse Mythology: The inclusion of Idunn Apples in God of War Ragnarok draws inspiration from Norse mythology, where Idunn is a goddess associated with youth and rejuvenation. Her apples are said to grant eternal youth to the gods, reflecting the health-enhancing properties of these artifacts in the game.

In conclusion, Idunn Apples are not mere collectibles in God of War Ragnarok; they are essential artifacts that play a tangible role in enhancing the player's health and strategic decision-making. Their connection to Norse mythology further enriches the game's narrative and worldbuilding, immersing players in a realm where the boundaries between myth and reality blur.

Horns of Blood Mead

In the vast and unforgiving realm of God of War Ragnarok, Midgard's artifacts and collectibles possess immense power, shaping the journey of players. Among these artifacts, the Horns of Blood Mead stand out as a potent resource that enhances a crucial aspect of combat: rage.

  • Unleashing the Fury Within: The Horns of Blood Mead grant players the ability to increase their maximum rage, a vital resource that fuels powerful combat abilities. With increased rage, players can unleash devastating attacks, break through enemy defenses, and dominate the battlefield.
  • Strategic Resource Management: The Horns of Blood Mead are a finite resource, requiring players to carefully manage their usage. Deciding when to consume these horns becomes a strategic choice, balancing the immediate need for increased rage against the potential benefits of saving them for more challenging encounters.
  • Exploration and Discovery: The Horns of Blood Mead are often hidden within secret chests or tucked away in obscure corners of Midgard. Players are encouraged to explore every nook and cranny, embarking on a journey of discovery to uncover these rage-enhancing artifacts.
  • Connection to Norse Mythology: The Horns of Blood Mead draw inspiration from Norse mythology, where the consumption of mead was believed to grant berserkers increased strength and ferocity in battle. This mythological connection enhances the game's immersion and authenticity.

In conclusion, the Horns of Blood Mead are not merely collectibles in God of War Ragnarok; they are vital artifacts that empower players to harness the rage of battle. Their connection to Norse mythology, strategic significance, and role in exploration contribute to the game's overall depth and engagement.

Yggdrasil Seeds

In the realm of God of War Ragnarok, the connection between Yggdrasil Seeds and the game's collectible artifacts is profound. Yggdrasil Seeds serve as a vital resource for players, enhancing both their maximum health and rage, two crucial attributes in the game's fierce combat encounters.

Yggdrasil Seeds play a significant role in the game's progression and character development. By collecting and consuming these seeds, players can permanently increase their health and rage capacity, allowing them to withstand more damage and unleash more powerful attacks. This enhancement is particularly valuable in challenging boss battles and high-stakes combat situations, where every advantage can determine victory or defeat.

The acquisition of Yggdrasil Seeds is intertwined with exploration and discovery. Players must venture into hidden areas, solve puzzles, and overcome obstacles to uncover these precious artifacts. This connection to exploration encourages players to engage deeply with the game world, rewarding their curiosity with tangible benefits that enhance their gameplay experience.

Beyond their practical significance, Yggdrasil Seeds also hold symbolic value in God of War Ragnarok. Yggdrasil, the World Tree, is a central element of Norse mythology, representing the interconnectedness of all realms. By collecting and using Yggdrasil Seeds, players participate in a symbolic act of growth and empowerment, mirroring the mythological significance of the tree itself.

In conclusion, the connection between Yggdrasil Seeds and God of War Ragnarok's collectible artifacts is multifaceted. These seeds are not mere collectibles; they are essential resources that enhance gameplay, promote exploration, and carry symbolic meaning. Their integration into the game's collectible system reinforces the importance of growth, discovery, and the interconnectedness of all things within the realm of Midgard.

Berserker Gravestones

In the realm of God of War Ragnarok, Berserker Gravestones stand as enigmatic artifacts, deeply intertwined with the game's collectible system and the thrilling combat encounters it offers. These ancient markers serve as keys to unlocking confrontations with formidable Berserker enemies, adding an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the exploration of Midgard.

  • Gateway to Epic Battles: Berserker Gravestones function as a gateway to intense and rewarding battles against Berserker enemies. Each gravestone, when activated, summons a unique Berserker with exceptional combat skills and devastating attacks. These encounters test the player's abilities and offer an opportunity to acquire valuable loot and experience.
  • Enhancing Exploration: The search for Berserker Gravestones becomes an integral part of exploring Midgard. Players are encouraged to scour every corner of the realm, solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles to uncover these hidden artifacts. This connection to exploration adds depth to the gameplay, rewarding curiosity and perseverance.
  • Cultural and Historical Significance: Berserker Gravestones are not mere collectibles; they are imbued with cultural and historical significance. Through these artifacts, players gain insights into the lore of Midgard and the ancient Berserker tradition. Discovering and activating gravestones provides a deeper understanding of the game's setting and the motivations of its characters.
  • Collectible Value: Berserker Gravestones are highly sought-after collectibles, adding to the player's overall collection and contributing to their progress in the game. Completing sets of gravestones can unlock special rewards and bonuses, further enhancing the gameplay experience.

In conclusion, the connection between Berserker Gravestones and God of War Ragnarok's collectible artifacts is multifaceted. These gravestones are not just markers; they are gateways to thrilling battles, keys to unlocking the game's lore, and valuable additions to the player's collection. Their presence in Midgard enriches the exploration, combat, and narrative aspects of the game, contributing significantly to its overall depth and engagement.

God of War Ragnarok

This section addresses frequently asked questions regarding artifacts and collectibles in God of War Ragnarok, providing clear and concise answers to common concerns or misconceptions.

Question 1: What are the different types of artifacts and collectibles in God of War Ragnarok?

Answer: God of War Ragnarok features a diverse range of artifacts and collectibles, including runes, artifacts, lore scrolls, legendary chests, Idunn Apples, Horns of Blood Mead, Yggdrasil Seeds, and Berserker Gravestones. Each type offers unique benefits and contributes to the player's progression and understanding of the game's lore.

Question 2: How do I find artifacts and collectibles in Midgard?

Answer: Artifacts and collectibles are scattered throughout Midgard and can be obtained through exploration, puzzle-solving, and defeating enemies. Players are encouraged to thoroughly search every area of the realm, paying attention to hidden nooks and crevices.

Question 3: What are the benefits of collecting artifacts and collectibles?

Answer: Collecting artifacts and collectibles provides various benefits, such as enhancing weapons and armor, unlocking new abilities, increasing health and rage, revealing hidden locations, and deepening the player's understanding of the game's lore. These benefits contribute to the overall gameplay experience and character progression.

Question 4: Are all artifacts and collectibles essential for completing the game?

Answer: While collecting all artifacts and collectibles is not necessary to complete the main storyline, they offer valuable bonuses and enhancements that can make the journey more enjoyable and rewarding. Players who aim for a comprehensive gameplay experience are encouraged to seek out as many collectibles as possible.

Question 5: Can I sell or trade artifacts and collectibles?

Answer: No, artifacts and collectibles cannot be sold or traded to other players or merchants in God of War Ragnarok. They are intended to be collected and used by the player who acquires them.

Question 6: Are there any missable artifacts or collectibles?

Answer: Some artifacts and collectibles are missable, meaning they can be permanently lost if certain actions are not taken or areas are not explored before progressing the story. Players should be thorough in their exploration and consider using a guide if they wish to obtain all collectibles.

Summary: Artifacts and collectibles play a significant role in God of War Ragnarok, offering a variety of benefits and enhancing the overall gameplay experience. By exploring Midgard thoroughly and engaging with the game's collectible system, players can unlock new abilities, gain valuable resources, and deepen their connection to the game's lore.

Transition to the next article section: For further insights into God of War Ragnarok's gameplay mechanics, combat system, and narrative, please refer to the dedicated sections in our comprehensive guide.

Tips for Acquiring Artifacts and Collectibles in God of War Ragnarok

Exploring the realm of Midgard and uncovering its hidden treasures is an essential part of the God of War Ragnarok experience. Here are some valuable tips to help you maximize your artifact and collectible collection:

Tip 1: Leave No Stone Unturned:

Midgard is filled with nooks and crannies where artifacts and collectibles may be concealed. Don't just follow the main path; take the time to explore every corner of each area. Smash breakable objects, climb hidden ledges, and interact with suspicious-looking objects to reveal hidden treasures.

Tip 2: Solve Puzzles and Overcome Obstacles:

Many artifacts and collectibles are guarded by puzzles or obstacles. Don't be discouraged; these challenges are designed to test your wit and problem-solving skills. Take your time, observe your surroundings, and experiment with different approaches to unlock these hidden rewards.

Tip 3: Follow the Lore:

The lore of God of War Ragnarok is filled with clues about the location of artifacts and collectibles. Pay attention to conversations with NPCs, read lore scrolls, and examine environmental details. These hints can lead you to hidden paths and secret areas where valuable treasures await.

Tip 4: Use the Map Wisely:

The map in God of War Ragnarok marks the location of discovered artifacts and collectibles. However, some items may not be immediately visible on the map. As you explore and uncover new artifacts, the map will update, revealing their locations. Use this information to systematically collect everything Midgard has to offer.

Tip 5: Don't Neglect Side Quests:

Side quests in God of War Ragnarok often lead to the discovery of unique artifacts and collectibles. Don't rush through these quests just to complete the main story. Take the time to explore the areas they unlock, as they may hold hidden treasures that would otherwise be missed.

Summary: By following these tips, you can significantly enhance your collection of artifacts and collectibles in God of War Ragnarok. Remember to explore thoroughly, solve puzzles, follow the lore, utilize the map, and don't neglect side quests. With dedication and perseverance, you will uncover the realm's deepest secrets and enrich your gameplay experience.


Throughout the realm of Midgard, the artifacts and collectibles of God of War Ragnarok serve as tangible fragments of the game's rich lore, offering enhancements to gameplay and deepening the player's connection to the world. From runes and artifacts that empower weapons and unlock abilities to lore scrolls and legendary chests that reveal hidden stories and valuable resources, every collectible contributes to a more immersive and rewarding experience.

By embracing the spirit of exploration and engaging with the game's collectible system, players not only enhance their characters but also gain a deeper understanding of the intricate narrative woven throughout Midgard. The search for artifacts and collectibles encourages thorough exploration, rewards curiosity, and ultimately enriches the overall gameplay journey.

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God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100 completion guide

God of War Ragnarok Midgard 100 completion guide